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  • #895547

    We have installed the Events Calendar for our business and have been advised it is supported by Enfold. Upon reading the forums I see that enfold has restricted some access to the settings for this plugin. Can you please advise if there is a custom css code that can be applied to fix these issues.

    Issue 1
    When the single event page displays, the Details / Organiser details are on the left and the event detaile on the right is it possible to move these details to the bottom of the page, as text that is wider is cutting off in the organiser (for example the email address)

    Issue 2
    When 2 event organisers are listed, we lose the contact details for these organisers

    fyi the name of the plugin installed on our website is called The events calendar by modern tribe


    Hey Joe,
    For issue 1, Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    .av-single-event-content {
        width: 100%!important; 
        float: left!important; 
        margin-left: 0px!important; 
    .av-single-event-meta-bar {
        float: left!important; 
        width: 100%!important; 
        padding-top: 50px!important; 

    For issue 2, this has been hard coded with “display:none” perhaps there is a setting to show this or perhaps this is a pro feature, I’m not sure. I searched and found no info on this.
    Perhaps the guys at modern tribe support would have more info.

    Best regards,

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