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  • #893842


    I am using the “2017 Demo” as my main page, but I’d like to create another page on the same site that has the style of the “Consulting Demo”. Is that possible?

    It looks like we can fake it by hiding the header and turning on the sidebar, but it’s not very close. I’d like to keep my settings for the “2017 Demo” since content is already created and formatted on other pages. Appreciate the help!



    Hey cavanaughb,

    If you enable debug mode on the Consulting Demo, you should be able to copy the shortcodes and paste them onto the page of the 2017 Demo.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I have the 2017 Demo installed now. Can I enable debug mode and copy shortcodes to design pages that look like the consulting demo?



    Sure, you can simply refer to the post Jordan linked above and enable debugging mode and then you can tell us which pages you would like to replicate so we can send you the shortcodes :)

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit – sounds great! I enabled debugging and would like to create this “one-page” layout:



    Great, so what you want to do is open that page from the backend to view and copy the shortcodes used to create it.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    How would I go about opening the page from the backend? If I install the Consulting demo, it overwrites all of my preferences/settings for the 2017 theme, which I don’t want to change.



    Do you have a local or separate install you can use to install the other demo?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    No.. would that be required?



    It’s not required but it would make this a lot easier. Really anyway you can find to do two installs would work so you can copy the short codes from one page into the other. If this is not possible, then you have to install the first demo, copy the shortcodes. Then install the second demo and paste them there.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

    This reply has been marked as private.


    but it maintains the header from the 2017 Demo layout and does not move the logo/menu to the left.

    You have to edit the page’s Layout and the theme options (main menu and header). Those settings are not related to the builders’ shortcodes.

    Best regards,


    Right – but if those theme options are changed (main menu and header), then it changes for the main page using the 2017 Demo layout as well. Is it possible to have both?



    I’m sorry but it’s not possible at the moment. You can only choose one main menu and header settings.

    Best regards,

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