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  • #892461
    Zohe Mustafa

    I wanted to register for the forum, but could not so that I could ask a question on 2 different versions of Enfold on two websites.

    I have taken on a client who has two websites [Enfold version 4.2] and [Enfold version 3.6.1]. The themes were purchased for them by another 3rd party agency so they dont have purchase details.

    They basically want to merge their websites and make the 4.2 version site look like the 3.6.1 website and I wanted to ask the forum for advice on the best way to migrate.

    Please help :-)


    Hey Zohe Mustafa,

    Do they have the license key in the theme options? If yes, you can use the key and register at the forum, also if the support period is still valid. I’m not sure what you mean by migrating: move content from one to another or just change the design to make them look similar?

    Best regards,

    Zohe Mustafa

    Hi Victoria
    Thank you for your reply. There is no license key in the theme options. I can try to ask the client if they have the details but I’m not sure they know. I doubt support period is still valid.

    All they want is to change the design so they look similar. Content does not need to move as its almost the same. So yes just design from one to another, . If I did just the Export Theme Settings would that move ALL design features? I mean would it be that simple with a few clicks? I would be migrating the version 3.6.1 website design to the version 4.2 version site. Would there be any adverse risks of moving older version design?




    There shouldnt be any problem at all. You can always ask client to purchase new keys, so they can take any new advantages that might be required also!

    Best regards,

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