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  • #887013

    Hi people that know everything about the enfold theme :)

    I tried everything, but is there an option to have an image and links to a side (left or right) that will stay with mobile view?
    For the links, the catalog option will work for me, but I can’t get it to stick to an image on mobile view

    like this (mobile view) but i want the links on the right side

    and this like desktop view

    It’s not about the presentation, but with mobile view an image with links on the side and with desktop view the double of that.
    This is the only thing i need to know to finish my site.



    Hey remco,
    How about using a grid row with text blocks inside?
    it will show side by side on desktops & stacked on mobile.
    You can use the element paddings and the custom classes so you can style it to fit with any site. After you create one you can clone it to make as many as you like.
    Paste this code in your debugger to get started:

    [av_layout_row border='' min_height_percent='' min_height='0' color='main_color' mobile='av-flex-cells' id='' av_element_hidden_in_editor='0' mobile_breaking='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='']
    [av_cell_one_half vertical_align='top' padding='30px,5%,30px,10%' background_color='' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_attachment='scroll' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' mobile_display='' custom_class='']
    [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='textblock' admin_preview_bg='']
    iPhone 5<img class="phone alignleft wp-image-3203 size-medium" src="" alt="" width="151" height="300" />
    iPhone 6
    iPhone 7
    iPhone 8
    iPhone 9
    iPhone X
    [/av_cell_one_half][av_cell_one_half vertical_align='top' padding='30px,10%,30px,5%' background_color='' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_attachment='scroll' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' mobile_display='' custom_class='']
    [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' custom_class='textblock' admin_preview_bg='']
    iPhone 5<img class="phone alignleft wp-image-3203 size-medium" src="" alt="" width="151" height="300" />
    iPhone 6
    iPhone 7
    iPhone 8
    iPhone 9
    iPhone X

    Best regards,


    Wow, mike,
    awesome reply !!

    Exactly what I needed !!!
    And even the debugger is very useful to me to transfer pieces from a test site to the active one.

    Thanks again, Remco


    humm :)

    I can’t get the grid row into a color section,
    now it will take my full white instead of the withe of my content.

    (and how can I edit the css only for this text?, so I can get lines/borders above and below my links)

    sorry, and thanks for your last reply


    To keep the cells centered in your page, change the Cell Padding in the cell, I had set it to percentages like 10% from the page edge and 5% from each other. Try 20% from the page edge.
    To edit the css for only the text set a Custom Css Class for the text block, it’s below the text editor, I had named it “textblock”
    The css class for the images is “phone”

    Best regards,


    yes thanks mike,

    all my problems are solved now :)

    for the costum css class option I had also to edit the function.php

    thanks alot



    I’m glad you were able to get this solved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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