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  • #886041

    I just bought this great theme.
    Bu I have some issue.
    When i use the “advanced layout builder” and if i want to switch back to the “wp basic editor” then i see only empty window. Maybe is it a bug?
    You can see my problem here:

    How can i see and edit in the basic editor the shortcodes?
    (eg. If i want to place some custom code with manual.)

    I would like to use a very simple plugin shortcode but it does not work well.
    It is the “Hide this” very simple great plugin. I use it if i want to hide some content for “logged in” or “logged out” visitors.
    I place this shortcode your “code block” area but on the page i see the close shortcode ( [/hide] )
    I use this very simple methode:

    [hide for="logged"]
    content blablablabla...

    You can check on this site:

    You can see my problem here:

    I would like to add some custom CSS code to a certain page/post.
    How can i do it?
    On the page/post editor i can’t find this option but i very need it.

    Please help me to solve this issues, thanks, Attila

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Attika777.


    Thanks for contacting us!

    1- Please enable debugging mode to see shortcodes on default editor and below Advanced Layout Builder –

    2- Please try using Text Block element and insert your shortcode in Text tab. If that does not help, please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately.

    3- Please go to Enfold theme options > Layout Builder and check “Show element options for developers” and then edit your element and give it a custom CSS class (“my-custom-class” in example below) and then add following code to Quick CSS field in Enfold theme options > General Styling tab

    .my-custom-class p { font-size: 24px; } 

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    Thanks for your help.
    1. OK

    2. I did it but nothing change :( Please help me to solve.
    The post is:

    3. You have written about a “Custom CSS Class for a section”. Yes it’s ok.
    But i want to add some custom CSS to a page/post (like in the Visual Composer.)
    Is it possible at all?

    4. There is a serious bug in the post section.
    If i turn on the “Advanced Layout Builder” then I can’t see the post title, metas, share sections, etc… I see only content and nothing else. If i turn off then it’s ok. It is a very unpleasant bug. :(
    I can’t work with it. Please help me to solve it
    My problem you can see here:

    For 2. and 4. i have sent my login access datas in private message…

    Regards, Attila

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Attika777.

    Hi Attila,

    Sorry for the late reply!

    2- I added your opening and closing shortcodes manually in debugging field on a private testing post and it worked. Attached a link and a screenshot in private content field.

    3- For pages and posts you can use page or post ID’s by inspecting elements. For example you can use “.postid-5485” in selector to target the post you posted.

    4- That is expected. When creating posts with Advanced Layout Builder, you would need to add each element you would like to display manually including Social Share Buttons and Comments elements under Content Elements tab of ALB.

    Best regards,


    2. It only works until i change something on the page. :(
    You can see what hapenning after the i change something and i save it.

    It is not a good solution.
    Please solve it because somtimes i want to change somthings on the page.

    3. Sorry but I don’t understand this complicated method :(
    Please write a sample for this CSS:

    .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields:not(.top_label) .gfield_label {
        display: none;

    How can i run this code on this page?

    4. A very simple question:
    I would like to display the post title.
    And the meta datas of post. (author and date)
    Where are these?
    I don’t find among the icons.

    Thanks, Attila



    1- This issue will be fixed in upcoming Enfold update. Our devs already fixed it and now it is being tested.

    2- Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file:

    .postid-5485 .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields:not(.top_label) .gfield_label {
        display: none;

    3- Please refer to this post –

    Best regards,


    1. Ok thanks, and when can i download it?

    2. Unfortunately this code doesn’t work…
    As you said i just added this code to my contact page but nothing change…
    My contact page is: (ID 4908)

    /* ----contact page  gravity  modded CSS start------------ */
    .postid-4908 .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields:not(.top_label) .gfield_label {
        display: none !important;
    /* ----contact page  gravity modded CSS end------------ */

    3. Thanks, meta datas works welll, but what about post title?
    How can i display it?




    1- We are hoping to release it before New Year however depending on the challenges our dev team may have, we may need to push the release to after New Year.
    2- Please use the code as following

    .page-id-4908 .gform_wrapper ul.gform_fields:not(.top_label) .gfield_label {
        display: none !important;

    “.postid-5485” is for targeting single posts and for pages you should use “.page-id-4908” :)
    3- You can try adding following code to Functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    function av_title_sc( ){
       echo "<h1 class='page-title'>". get_the_title() ."</h1>"; 
    add_shortcode( 'av_page_title', 'av_title_sc' );

    and add following shortcode to your page [av_page_title] to display the title :)

    Best regards,


    1. And please maybe that is possible to send me the file (files) what causes this bug? I would try to replace them, because I can’t work on this page until then.

    2. OK, thanks.

    3. OK, thanks.

    Regards, Attila



    Sorry for the late reply!
    I have been testing changes on my local installation with your shortcodes however it is not working and our devs mentioned that changes are not stable yet. We will be reporting the issue you have as well.

    For the time being, please go to Enfold theme options > Layout Builder and check “Show element options for developers” and then edit your elements and give it a custom CSS classes (“only-lo” and “only-li” in example below) and then add following code to Quick CSS field in Enfold theme options > General Styling tab

    .logged-in .only-li { display: block; }
    .only-li { display: none; }
    .logged-in .only-lo { display: none; }

    “only-li” class is for Logged in and “only-lo” is for Logged out.

    Best regards,

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