December 6, 2017 at 9:43 am #885452
Hi guys and girls,
Is it possible to let me know when Enfold will be updated?
I might be wrong, but as far as I understand Enfold is not yet compatible with WP 4.9/4.9.1 and I learned there might be a couple of ‘issues’ when updating WP to 4.9/4.9.1. I have many websites based on Enfold and I guess you’ll understand that I am reluctant to update as I might find myself spending a lot of time looking for and working on workarounds…
Thanks for your info.
Best regards,
MoniqueDecember 6, 2017 at 12:30 pm #885540Hey Monique,
The next update will be in January. What are the issues you think you might have?
Best regards,
VictoriaDecember 6, 2017 at 12:34 pm #885543Hi Victoria,
Thanks for your reply.
I would like to turn it around: can you guarantee me I will not run into issues when I update WP? Like I said, I am not looking forward to spend a lot of time in solving any issues… ;-)
Best regards,
MoniqueDecember 6, 2017 at 1:16 pm #885573Hi Monique,
We can only help you with the issues with Enfold, we cannot guarantee anything beyond that, there are too many variables from the server configuration, to plugins and customizations, that are out of our control.
Best regards,
VictoriaDecember 6, 2017 at 1:26 pm #885580Hi Victoria,
I am only asking you for Enfold vs WP 4.9(.1) compatibility. I understand you cannot influence nor guarantee server configuration, plugins and customizations…
Best regards,
MoniqueDecember 7, 2017 at 6:29 am #885945Hi Monique,
I understand your concerns but like Victoria pointed out, we can’t be responsible for problems caused by third party code or WordPress itself. Though the lines can be very blurry sometimes, especially for users who might not be as technical as we are. As far as I know, Enfold is compatible with the newest versions of WordPress, though there was a problem with full width videos in 4.9. That seems to not have been a problem on our end though but still needs to be fixed by us of course.
If you want to make sure that your sites stay the same on the front end, then I can recommend that you run visual regression testing on them. You should also do your updates on a staging environment first so that your production sites are not affected. If you should like for someone to take care of all of this for you, then you can contact a WordPress maintenance company. I can personally vouch for SteadyWP on that list.
Best regards,
RikardDecember 7, 2017 at 9:12 am #885978The full width issue showed up on my staging site with Enfold 4.2 way before WordPress 4.9 was released. That’s why I’m eager to see an update (4.2.1?) to patch the video issue and other bugs I have read about here on the forum. For now I remain on 4.1.2 on my production site as I thought that a 4.2.1 was just “days away”…..
RobPS Enfold 4.1.2. is compatible with WP 4.9
December 7, 2017 at 10:05 am #885993Thanks Rikard for the update!
Can you please flag this topic as closed?
@goldengate415: most of our sites are on Enfold 4.2 and WP 4.8.x now.Best regards,
MoniqueDecember 7, 2017 at 7:53 pm #886218Can we have a definitive statement from Kriesi please on the compatibility of Enfold 4.2 with WordPress 4.9(.1)?
I have seen various posts on the forum from users saying 4.9 broke Enfold in various ways (and that they presumably had to revert back to WP 4.8.3).
A Moderator replied to a question, acknowledging this, saying the developers were working on fixes. https://kriesi.at/support/topic/wordpress-4-9-compatible/#post-882095
Now @Victoria says the next Enfold update won’t be until January. By which time if we don’t update WP it’s likely we’ll all be a few further minor WP updates behind. So possibly open to vulnerabilities. :-(
Some clarity, please… what do we users do? The sites I manage are all on 4.8.3 – do I update WP now or not?
December 8, 2017 at 5:58 am #886361Hi zimbo,
As far as I know, the only problem with running Enfold 4.2 and WordPress 4.9 or 4.9.1 is the misalignment on full width videos. Other than that I am not aware of any issues at all. There are fixes for that problem available on the forum, and they have worked for the vast majority or users. Some still have problems though I’m not sure if could be related to something else. So if you really want to run the latest versions, then maybe you could try to update on a staging environment first to see if you encounter any problems? If you do, you could try to implement the fixes available for the video problem. If you should need help with anything then please open new tickets for each problem so that we can have a closer look at them.
The next release is scheduled for January as of now. We’d like to apologise for any problems the new version might have caused, in my opinion it’s a big improvement if you compare it to the previous version though.
I would also like to say that we are planning to implement automatised testing as standard prior to new releases. We do of course test things manually before releases, but it’s obvious that we do miss some things which automatic tests should find for us. We’re hoping that this will catch more problems like these so you guys don’t have to waste your time on this forum :-)
Best regards,
RikardDecember 8, 2017 at 6:25 am #886373Thanks, Rikard, it’s great to know when to expect the next version as we have heard a few different timelines on this forum.
I can live with the old 4.1.2 until January I guess as long as I’ve waiting this long. Full-width video is a key feature of my site so I don’t want to break it.
It would be great if you guys could keep a “known issues” sticky at top of forum that only moderators can post to (so it doesn’t turn into a Q&A from us users) where you can list known issues and the official patch / workaround for each issue. Just an idea.Wishing you happy holidays!
February 21, 2018 at 3:08 pm #915489Hi,
Just “cleaning” my old posts…
Can you please flag this topic as closed?
Thanks & regards,
MoniqueFebruary 21, 2018 at 3:32 pm #915510Hi Monique,
Ok, closing this one.
Best regards,
Victoria -
- The topic ‘When is next update for Enfold expected?’ is closed to new replies.