i was wondering, what are the minimum requirements to use your theme?
PHP Limits
memory_limit =
upload_max_filesize =
post_max_size =
max_execution_time =
max_input_vars =
PHP Multibit String Functions
mbstring.language =
mbstring.internal_encoding =
mbstring.http_input =
mbstring.http_output =
mbstring.encoding_translation =
mbstring.detect_order =
mbstring.substitute_character =
mbstring.func_overload =
mbstring.strict_encoding =
allow_url_fopen =
suhosin.get.max_vars =
suhosin.post.max_vars =
suhosin.request.max_vars =
PHP version 7.0 or greater
PHP DateTime Class
PHP XML Parser (for PHP7, enable php7.0-xml extension)
Other Variables
mod_rewrite module has to be activated.
GD Library has to be installed.
cURL has to be supported by the server.
OpenSSL has to be supported by the server.
Thanks and Regards
Hey Anand,
The defaults acceptable for wordpress are good, I think the things that are worth mentioning is the memory limit, we would suggest atleast 128mb and up. PHP 7.0 is good, the least version that is okay is 5.6, 7.1 has some issues though so I would suggest sticking to 7.0. Also PHP ZipArchive is also needed.
Hope this helps. :)
Best regards,
Hi Nikko
Can you help me locate “The defaults acceptable for wordpress are good,”
Thank you for the Rest of the information
Following values are from my local installation
Max_execution_time = 30
Max_input_time = 60
Post_max_size = 32M
Upload_max_filesize = 32M
Max_input_time = 60
Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any other questions :)
Hi Yigit
Thank you very much, for your help