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  • #881131

    I installed a new WordPress 4.9 with Enfold 4.2. I selected the language “Deutsch” and created my first page.
    After that I changed the language to “Deutsch “Sie””. Now WordPress says, there is a language update, so I update the language.
    If I want to edit my page, the advanced layout editor doesn’t load.
    If I want to create a new page, the button “advanced layout-editor” has no effect.
    If I change the language back to “Deutsch”, everything is right.
    Any ideas?

    P.S. Three Plugins installed, but deactivated. Child Theme installed, but at this moment not edited.


    Hey netgo2017,

    It’s due to this problem in WordPress 4.9: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/42574

    You should be able to fix it if you download the following files and replace them with the same files in /wp-includes/


    Best regards,


    Thanks, it works!


    Hi netgo2017,

    Glad we got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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