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  • #877144


    I have the image full size at 800 px and i want to be displayed at 800 px in the blog post (or a page) when i insert it with caption.
    Unfortunately, it is displayed at 798 px and the frame of the caption at 808 px. There is a way to force the image displayed size to be 100% (800 px)?

    Probably is from “padding: 5 px” of the caption. If i set at 4px in developer tool (Chrome) the displayed size is correct. (808px – 8 px = 800px). Or prlbably is from the fact that the caption frame is displayed at 808px instead 810px.


    Hey olimpiupop,

    Can you please provide a link to the site and screenshot of the issue?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Please see private.


    I managed myself. Because the caption border has 1px width, the image is displayed with 2px smaller. You have two options.

    1. Set the border to 0px
    2. Set the padding from 5 to 4px.

    With the new WordPress 4.9 is easier to see the base.css where are the wp-caption settings.


    Hi olimpiupop,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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