I have set my page to German, but the Animated Countdown Clock is not in German. According to Loco Translate and the de_DE_formal.po file, “Weeks” should be “Wochen,” “days” “Tage,” and so forth. Yet, the countdown clock on the main page (http://test2.dennis-nusser.de/) still uses English.
Is there any way to fix this outside of using a different plugin?
Hey dennisnusser,
Thank for using Enfold.
Is the Settings > General > Site Language option set to German? Please set the user role to administrator so that we can access the plugin’s panel. Is there a separate de_De.po file in the loco translate panel? Please check if the strings in the de_De.po language file are translated properly.
Best regards,
Hey Ismael,
thanks for your help. I missed the separate de_De.po file earlier. Those strings were indeed not translated properly. Fixed it, thanks!
Great, glad we could help. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.
Best regards,
You can close it. Thanks!