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  • #874242

    Hello Enfold experts!

    I’m trying to figure out a way to connect an enfold contact form with a mailchimp sign-up form, I know this sounds a bit weird, here’s why I need it.

    I want to test whether there is a market for a search engine that I could build. To do that I made a web page that looks like a search engine, is however in fact an enfold contact form. After submitting the search, the user has the option to give me her e-mail so that I can e-mail them the actual search results. This page has then a mailchimp signup form. My pickle now is the following: I need to know which search the user performed, so that I can send her the correct results. So I need to somehow link the request of the contact form with the mailchimp signup.

    My Idea was to append the data from the search request to the url and then read the parameters when I load the mailchimp page and add them as a hidden field to the mailchimp signup form, but this didn’t really work out as planned.

    Do you have any ideas how I can do this? I would also be open to a completely different approach if you have better ideas :-)




    Hey Eva,

    What you need might require more custom coding.

    Here is more on Mailchimp and WordPress:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    thanks for the reply. I am working on the custom coding and I was wondering if you could tell me a way to retrieve the inputted POST data from the contact form from the page it gets redirected to. If you could help me out with this step, the rest I have figured out already :-)





    You can modify the js > shortcodes.js file, please look for the send_ajax_form function. In this code, you can append the contact form data (value = currentElement.val()) as url query strings.

    if(redirect_to && action != redirect_to)
    						form.attr('action', redirect_to);
    						location.href = redirect_to;
    						// form.submit();

    This will require some modifications that are beyond the scope of support. If you need further help, please hire a freelance developer or contact our partner, Codeable.

    Best regards,


    This sounds like exacty what I need!! I’ll give it a shot, thanks!!!



    Ok. Please update us when you come up with the modification.

    Best regards,

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