Hi Team,
I would like to buy theme enfold for my website in wordpress. I have 2 questions that are need tobe answer.
1, Can i change folder name “enfold” in source codes, because i dont want another web developer know my website is using Enfold theme? If yes, how can i do this? and when i update theme do i have any problem?
2, I would like to multi language website , Vietnamese, English and German – Do i have any problems regarding to font style….
3, Do you have a demo website that contains video in the homepage?
Looking your feedback!
Thanks & Best regards, Eric
Hey Eric,
Thanks for contacting us!
1- You can use a child theme and change theme’s name and it will not be affected in updates – kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/using-a-child-theme/
2- Enfold is fully compatible with WPML. Fonts would not be an issue as long as they support those languages. You can add additional Google fonts and custom fonts.
3- Sure! Here is an example page – https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/homepage/home-v9-videos-and-parallax/ and you can check out all Enfold demos here – https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-overview/
Let us know if you have any other questions :)
Best regards,