the burger menu is not visible after theme update on smartphone. i tried differnt things. noting helps. it appears on ipad but together with normal menu?!
can you help?
kr dirk
some more problem: the small menu over main menu is also not visible on smartphone and desktop version on all pages after update. when i´m logged in the bar appears in frontend. when i´m logged out not.
it appears not on e.g. start page but on kontakt. not on standardgrößen but on impressum
Hi schnippel,
Please disable the cache and minification while we are helping you, you can turn it on later.
Best regards,
it seems to work after deleting the cache in wordpress.
if you look at the mobile version,you will see that the burger menu icon is in the logo.
any idea how to fix this?
kr dirk
Hi Dirk,
I checked on iphone6 using Chrome but I couldn’t see the problem you are describing, in what device/browser are you seeing that?
Best regards,
internet explorer windows phone.
kr dirk
Hi dirk,
Could you please post a few screenshots?
Best regards,
attached find screenshot
kr dirk