a have made several attempts to get a grid like in this site from the ENFOLD / DEMO 2017 / BLOG MODERN / A SMALL GALLARY
1. Question: How can i display TAGS under an blog post?
2.Question: After the share buttons there is a 2 collum and 6 post grid. How can i get this? Is it from the blogelement? Is it a widget and when yes what?
I like the style and want it to integrate.
Many thanks for hopefully some answers.Thank you.
Hey Bert,
Which of the demos are you looking at? Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you?
Best regards,
Ohh yeah, iam a honk. I dont mind, that the link not show that what i want :( sorry for that
Here a link to a photo .
First: How can i display under the post the TAGS?
Second: Under “YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE” there a 2 columm /3 row grid with posts. I dont know, how can i get this style. Is it a widget or only the blog element? what preferences i need for this style?
Many thanks for your help and support.
Nobody a hint for me?
Thx you again..
Hi Bert,
Sorry for the late response, the link shows a 404 page. However for both 1 & 2, in your WP Dashboard, go to Enfold > Blog Layout > at the bottom look for Blog meta elements and Share links at the bottom of your blog post, check it and it should show up. Hope this helps.
Best regards,