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  • #841626


    When I choose to make main content transparent, the menu in mobile mode also becomes transparent.
    How do I fix this problem?

    in General Styling – Main Content -> in field :
    Main Content background color
    Default Background color
    i set <empty>

    This is important to me because I have a background image I want to see below …


    Is there any solution to the problem?


    Because once I set a transparent background, the captions of the buttons when the mouse is on top disappear ….



    You can solve it adding this custom code at Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS

    #advanced_menu_toggle {
      background: #yourColor;
      color: #fff;
    .cart_dropdown_link {
      background: #yourColor;
      color: #fff;

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    I solved the problem after updating the theme to version 4.1.2
    But …
    There is a new problem :(
    The mobile menu shows only one column of the mega menu.
    Only “Women’s Clother”.
    “Home Accessories” and “One of a kind” do not appear :(
    They are COLUMN and if are empty, then do not appear :(

    There is another small problem with the buttons.
    When the mouse is on the button, the text becomes transparent. It’s the same color as “Main Content background color” … maybe…



    The mobile menu shows only one column of the mega menu.

    Are you using the mega menu columns as actual menu items? Please note that the new menu script will not include empty mega menu columns. You have to add a sub menu item under the columns. Since you just updated the theme, please take the time to reconfigure the “Header” and “Main Menu” settings in the theme options.

    Best regards,

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