I purchased the WPlayerslider license to get support from them and noticed in system settings that it states it needs updated and it needs to be removed from the theme bundle and reinstalled. Is this true? Please help
Hey lucky7t,
Yes, if you have the stand alone version then you would need to add this to your functions.php file:
Please try that out.
Best regards,
I downloaded the theme which included layer slider . But noticed I could purchase it and it states that I should . I’ll give this a try but it’s not listed on my plugins page
I dont have the stand alone installed. I simply went to dashboard and it said it needed updated. I tried to update and it failed because it says its a bundled version. Also prior to updating i paid and entered in my serial number . Seems odd i cant update it from inside the bundled theme.
Ill be glad to pay more to someone for some help here.
Fixed the issue by doing the following,,,
created a child theme (should of done this before i even started the site) then used your php code in php config (Thank you). Then installed the stand alone version and updated it accordingly. Then I noticed that I could not use the layer slider in virtual page builder so i switched themes back to original and….. tada! it works great and is updated to most current. now i need to figure out how to make my child theme work