I have a set of custom fonts that i need to include in my website. How can i achieve that? I uploaded all fonts under wp-content/themes/your-theme/fonts/. I also added in my theme’s child css file the following :
@font-face {
font-family: ‘font name’;
src: url(‘wp-content/themes/your-theme/fonts/font-file.eot’);
src: url(‘wp-content/themes/your-theme/fonts/font-file.eot?#iefix’) format(’embedded-opentype’),
url(‘wp-content/themes/your-theme/fonts/font-file.woff’) format(‘woff’),
url(‘wp-content/themes/your-theme/fonts/font-file.ttf’) format(‘truetype’),
url(‘wp-content/themes/your-theme/fonts/font-file.svg#font-name’) format(‘svg’);
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal; }
for all font entries i have.
What else should i do?
Thank you
Hey mike.rav,
Please refer to this link http://wpsites.net/web-design/fonts-wordpress/
or if you like to add a single font an alternate solution is to use a plugin like https://wordpress.org/plugins/use-any-font/
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon