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  • #823356
    Josef Rößler

    Suche eine topaktuelle Basis für einen selbst zu befüllenden und im vorgegebenen Rahmen selbst gestaltbaren (Bilder) web-Auftritt. Inhalte aus meinem bestehenden Auftritt sollten sich großteils wiederfinden, für Neues viel Platz sein (eben wordpress). Wenn ja, wo liegt in etwa euer Aufwand in Kosten für mich?

    Würde mich freuen von euch zu hören
    Details auf
    MfG Josef Rößler


    Hallo Josef,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    Our German speaking moderators are currently working on different tasks for a short while. If you do not mind, could you please post your question in English. I tried Google translating however i am not sure if i understood you clearly :)


    Josef Rößler

    as a christian found your website via while thinking about a new website. wordpress seem a very straight tool to me and your example themes are to my taste.
    if you will find it practical and challancing to transform a good part of the existing content upside down into a wordpress theme, I would moderate it more often.
    Of interest to me: your basic interest on this request and a circa price, according to the actual content on
    Josef Rößler



    Thanks for translating!

    Unfortunately, we do not provide such services. We only sell premium WordPress themes and provide support for them.

    If you are interested in purchasing a premium theme, we would recommend Enfold theme as it is the most powerful, flexible and user-friendly theme we have ever created.

    You can import one of these Enfold demos (including Enfold Church demo) within a few minutes in Enfold theme options > Demo Import with a single button and start working on your website right away!


    Josef Rößler

    Thanks Yigit!
    I’ll take a closer look onto the Enfold theme.
    Best regards


    Hi Josef,

    Great, please let us know if you have any further questions for us.

    Best regards,

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