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  • #819059

    Hi there team Kriesi,

    Recently I have been having issues with the Enfold Theme header stretching. I have looked through half a dozen other threads talking about a similar issue, but I cannot figure out how to correct my image.

    Would love some help to identify the issue.

    Thank you


    Hey shreinmedia,
    I tried to find your site to examine the issue, but I found a different page with no issue. Please include the url to the page in question so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Sorry about that…



    Thanks for that, I’m not sure if I can see much difference between the front end of you site and the actual logo though. Could you try to point the problem out please?

    Best regards,


    Well, that actually is helpful to see … it looks like the image is being distorted once uploaded

    Here is what it should look like, the original image I uploaded

    I’ve never had this happen before. Thoughts?



    Not sure to be honest. When you upload the logo, did you check the size value on the right hand side of the screen in the Media Gallery? If that is not the problem then I think you’re doing something wrong when saving the logo, not sure what though.

    Best regards,


    Team Kriesi has the best support so when I read “not sure” I was certain that the issue was with my hosting.

    Sure enough.

    Google has released a page speed module that my hosting company has turned on by default. This page speed module was displaying my images to webp images – and in the process, stretching the image out (I have no idea why).

    To turn off the pagespeed module you please

    ModPageSpeed Off

    in the .htaccess file.

    Worked like a charm.

    Wondering if this is something Kriesi team is aware of and if it can be looked into and made compatible with – I’m sure there are plenty of reasons why keeping the module on would make sense.


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