I would like all my Blank Template pages to have a unique background, either color or image.
Currently my main site background is showing on my blank pages.
Thank you!
Hey saltalib,
Custom body background works only when the layout options are set to Boxed layout in Enfold > General Layout.
This is because when you use a stretched layout each container has it’s on background.
you can use a plugin like: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-backgrounds-lite/
or use the CSS in Quick CSS with page ID.
html.html_boxed.html_entry_id_XX { background: #eeeeee url(image-url.png) top center no-repeat scroll;
You can right click on Chrome, Firefox and Safari to inspect elements to find entry ID – http://i.imgur.com/sO3p3gy.png?1
You would have to do this for each page.
Best regards,