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  • #814996


    The bbpress theme in enfold is very basic.

    I want to use a plugin name weaver for bbpress but it’s not working except if i comment the line :
    require_once( 'config-bbpress/config.php' ); //compatibility with bbpress forum plugin
    in the file functions.php of Enfold Theme.

    how can i do that from my enfold child-theme ?



    Hey coolpaie,

    That is our compatibility for bbPress.
    You can remove the lines to make the things work as per your requirment, that is not an issue at all.

    If you need anything else let us know

    Best regards,


    i don’t want to modify the theme.
    How can i remove the lines (or equivalent) from the child theme ?



    Hi coolpaie,

    You could copy the whole contents of that file to your child theme functions.php and comment it out there, but it might not work.

    Best regards,


    Hi guys!
    I dont know how to create a topic. Where is the link option from your support page to create a topic.
    But I’ve searched and my question is about how to disable or deactivate your theme for bbpress, because i’ve tried commenting the line in fuctions.php : //require_once( ‘config-bbpress/config.php’ ); , and i got a blank page in my wordpress. so that doesnt work !.

    also after comment that line, put this require_once( ‘config-bbpress/bbpress.php’ ); where my bbpress.php is a file mine.
    but doesnt work.

    So, I need to deactivate the enfold theme for bbpress only , no for all site,
    and put my own files to set the bbpress theme, because I need to set it , to get bbpress looking like
    I have in the site

    How I must to proceed to deactivate the enfold theme for bbpress and put muy own files,
    how can i put my own files for bbpress, and what location, can you give me a hand,
    because you know better how to work all the enfold theme and the core

    Thanks a lot-
    I ‘be waiting . For any help thanks in advance.



    To deactivate bbPress styling, please refer to this post – You can go to Enfold sub forum to start your own threads – If dequeueing Enfold’s bbPress styling was not what you meant, please start your own thread and elaborate :)


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