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  • #813332
    Steffen Bräutigam

    Ich habe das Problem, dass der Link vom Warenkorbsymbol rechts oben nicht funktioniert. Ebenso die beiden Links innerhalb des Mini Warenkorbs bei Mousover und auch der Link, der nach dem Hinzufügen von Produkten zum Warenkorb erscheint. Die Links zum Warenkorb und zur Kasse in der Shopmenü-Leiste funktionieren allerdings korrekt. Was ist die Ursache?


    Hallo Steffen,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    Could you pleas register to our forum – and login as we only provide support to our registered users? :) Then please elaborate on the issues you are having/changes you would like to make. If it will be easier to explain, please post screenshots. You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here :)

    Best regards,

    P.S.: If you would like to receive replies in German, we can inform our German speaking moderators however it would be quicker if you do not mind posting in English as we have more English speaking moderators :)

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