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  • #812117
    Neil Richmund

    I am a huge fan of your theme and recommend it to everyone building a WordPress site!

    I am building a course for people to build their own WordPress site and would like to include Enfold and training to use it in my course. Is there a way I could purchase a developer licence in order to include it in the package I offer my students? If not, do you have a way I could do this?

    Thanks so much and I really appreciate the quality theme you have built.


    Hey Neil,

    Thanks for contacting us and for your kind words! We are glad you like Enfold :)

    Download and purchases processes are managed by Envato/ThemeForest and currently they do not provide such license. If you are planning to make a bulk purchase, please contact Envato support, they might be able to provide you some sort of discount :)

    I hope that was helpful! Let us know if you have any other questions :)

    Best regards,

    Neil Richmund

    You cannot sell the them outside of Envato then?



    No, due to our agreement, we are not allowed to sell/distribute themes directly.

    Let us know if you have any other questions!


    Neil Richmund

    I cannot find a way to contact Envato directly, do you have an email address i can send my question to?



    You can try contacting them here – :)

    Best regards,

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