Tagged: reviews, schema, testimonials
I’m using Strong Testimonials by Chris Dillon and reviews are showing up as “votes” in google search
in the admin of enfold there is an option called Automated Schema.org HTML Markup which i have enabled
Automated Schema.org HTML Markup
The theme adds generic HTML schema markup to your template builder elements to provide additional context for search engines. If you want to add your own specific markup via plugins or custom HTML code, you can deactivate this setting
Could this be what is causing “votes” to show instead of reviews
If so – would it be a good idea to switch off schema markup in Enfold admin
Hey briandeeney,
I believe that Google has made the association between “reviews” and “votes” on it’s own and no action is needed.
You can see the documentation for the “Automated Schema.org HTML Markup” here: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/customize-schema-org-markup/ and the code doesn’t use “reviews” or “votes”. When you look at your site’s code there is no “vote”, I didn’t look at the plugin on it’s own, but I’d say your fine.
Hope this helped :)
Best regards,
Thanks Mike