I have made this site in Enfold: http://www.bkultur.dk/
I have 2 questions:
1. Any idea why the last image (BØRNENES MUSIKSALON) on this page http://www.bkultur.dk/portfolio/ is kind of blurry compared to the other images?
2. Is there a way to make the first line in the “entry-title” bold on the front page?
<h3 class=”av-masonry-entry-title entry-title” itemprop=”headline”>/////////////THIS PART>>>>>>Tirsdag d. 27. juni kl. 10.00 og kl. 16.00<<<<<<<<< <br> CLAIRE PARSONS CO.: MARMELAD <br> Danseforestilling for 2-6-årige</h3>
Hey organicoder,
Is that last image of equal or a lesser size than the others on the page?
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon