I have updated my enfold theme to version 4.0.7 and am running wordpress version 4.7.5.
I have version 6.4.0 of layer slider installed.
Following these updates, my sliders do not function in responsive mode. I am using a boxed layout.
First the slides we extending past the boxed layout as a full width, now they are within the boxed layout, but are being cropped.
The site URL is http://www.studentartfund.org. I have left most of the sliders at fixed width temporarily until I can resolve this issue, but if you go to:
http://www.studentartfund.org/grants/ you will see the problem.
Here are my slider settings for that page’s slider:
Canvas width 1140
Canvas height 300
Max-width 100%
Allow fullscreen mode off
Hey auroradesignstudio,
Thanks for the info, though the slider looks fine on my end in responsive mode. Could you post a screenshot of the problem please? You can upload to a service like dropbox or google drive and then link to it here.
We might have to have a look at the backend as well so please include admin login details in private.
Best regards,