Hi, congrats for theme!
I have 2 little issues with the contact form:
1. When the “name” and “e-mail” fields are filled up, the field color change in a pale yellow colour. I’d like the fields color to remain unchanged.
2. After you press “submit” the borders color change in a yellow/green color. Here too I’d like the fields color to remain unchanged.
Thanks in advance.
Hey MassimoDiFelice,
For 1 & 2, try adding this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):
#top #wrap_all .text_input,
#top #wrap_all .text_area,
#top #wrap_all .select,
#top #wrap_all .avia_ajax_form .button {
border: 2px solid #fff !important;
Let us know if this helps :)
Best regards,
Hi Nikko, thank you for your reply.
For some reasons on Firefox (53.0.3 64-bit) and Chrome (58.0.3029.110 64-bit) the issues disappeared without any intervention, but on Safari (10.1.1) issues persist, even after adding your code. Mystery! :)
Can you try to flush the cache on your site and clear your browser cache and check it again, let us know if this fixes the issue.
Best regards,
Thank you