I don’t want the header menu or any of the titles, whether H1 or smaller to be set to the default of Bold.
I also don’t want any titles etc to be set to the default of all CAPITALS.
Please tell me how to rectify this.
Hey violin12,
Please provide a link to the site so that we can look into this issue further.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Was there ever any answer for this? I also do not want my h1s to be ALL CAPITALS. Cannot figure out how to change.
See the link please – I have entered both a “special heading” as an H1 and set the first line of a text block as an H1 trying to get regular sentence case. Both show correctly inside of the page editor…but both are displaying as UPPERCASE. Can you help me correct this please?
Thank you.
Hey siestajoye,
Add the following to quick css:
.template-page .entry-content-wrapper h1, .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h2{
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Nevermind. Dug through more support posts and found the answer
I put:
h1, h2, h3 {
text-transform: none !important;
in Quick CSS and voila CAPS are gone!
Hey siestajoye,
Great I’m happy you were able to find what you needed. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon