Hi there,
I have a minor issue with the mini cart overlay in the menu:
In the WooCommerce settings (still using 2.x, not 3.x), all shipping costs have been disabled, as I only offer virtual products. This used to work without any issues, but today I noticed that the mini cart overlay popup mentions shipping costs anyway (“zzgl. Versandkosten”):
Any way to get rid of that? It confuses customers.
Thank you!
Hey mchbeck,
Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?
Best regards,
Hi Rikard,
Sure, it’s http://www.mondiale.de/ (live site running Enfold 4.0.5) or http://www.mondiale.de/testumgebung/de/ (test site running Enfold 4.0.7)
Just put something in your cart, this for example: http://mondiale.de/web/de/produkt/pruefung-telc-deutsch-a1/ (live site) or http://mondiale.de/testumgebung/de/produkt/pruefung-telc-deutsch-a1/ (test site)
Thanks for that. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:
.widget_shopping_cart_content .shipping-costs-cart-info {
display:none !important;
Best regards,
This does indeed do the trick. Thank you very much, Rikard! :)
Let us if you need some help :)
Best regards,
John Torvik