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  • #793639

    I’ve nearly finished tweaking my site and getting something that I’m happy with, but there’s one thing I can’t figure out.

    I use WooCommerce and the WsdmLabs Custom Product Box plugin and there’s a clash with the way in which the descriptions are used.

    The issue is that I’m having to hide the default Enfold / Woocommerce product page and remove the tabulated area as it clashes with the Custom Box plugin. Example:
    I’ve worked around this by hiding it with CSS: .post-xxxx .single-product-main-image {width: 100%;}
    And I’ve resorted for the time being to using the Product Short Description field as that’s what the Custom Box plugin uses with some additional CSS to make it appear left-justified. Example where it’s OK:

    This is all OK, except that it’s this product short description field that’s used in the product table list, and as a result, gives me very long blocks of text that don’t look too easy to read and a bit long winded in the shop page:

    Maybe the simplest way would be to have the main description used in the shop table instead of the “Product short description” but I don’t know if that’s easily achievable. If it is doable, then this would have to be applied only to the bundle product category (or some other filtering method) so that it doesn’t break all the other products. Alternatively, go with the limitations (I’ll have to read up on them, I think it was AJAX stuff that broke) and override and enable the Avia page builder for “product”-type pages.

    I appreciate this is probably asking for too much or is too complex to implement, but I’d love to hear any suggestions on how the shop view could be tidied up whilst still having individual simple products appear OK and still retain proper page formatting for the bundle products which use the Custom Box plugin.

    Thanks in advance! :)


    Hey xavbroadcast,

    Unfortunately it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However if its really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    Ah OK. Thanks. I’ll see if I can figure something out.



    Let us if you need some help in the future :)

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

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