Hi! This is Silvia and i need your help with one of my websites. I’ve been using your theme for a long time with other clients but recently, in a particular website, the content structurated in rows disappear when there are a few rows. There is nothing weird in the type of content we publish, it’s usually only text… can you help me, please.
My website is http://separcontenidos.es/50aniversariosepar/
We have problems with http://separcontenidos.es/50aniversariosepar/libro-de-felicitaciones2/
I’ve restructured that page and it seems to be visible now (but the structure… i don’t like it!)
I’ve make you a copy in http://separcontenidos.es/50aniversariosepar/prova/
Hey sildelespai,
Your plugin “SI Captcha Anti-Spam” is blocking the content, I deactivated and it worked. I activated again in case another page needed it.
Best regards,
Thanks!!!!!! it was driven me crazy. I’ve used Enfold so many times because is a very flexible theme… thanks a lot!!!