Hi there, I have a problem with the download of Medical Demo from enfold.
The problem is “The import didn’t work, try to refresh and try again”.
Any reasons?
I noticed that all “saving process” gives me this problem. It’s like i cannot save or change anything.
Can you give us temporary admin and ftp access? so we can check on it further. You can post the details in Private Content, so only moderators can see it.
Best regards,
For Sure.
here info:
I have checked it and it seems when trying to import a demo, this error appears:
admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error)
FTP credentials, there’s a cpanel you should find FTP Accounts, if none, try to search in google how to get ftp credentials with your webhost.
Best regards,
I have successfully imported the Medical Demo (though I did get 502 Bad Gateway error but have managed to import successfully), I have to deactivate w3 Total cache plugin. It does seem that the site has been allocated with few resources which makes it unstable. You would probably need to increase the memory limit to 128Mb, try to check this post: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/increasing-the-wordpress-memory-limit/
Best regards,
Ok here imported, and Know seems It works.
As soon as possible I will increase memory limit.
Thanks nikko.
You’re very much welcome. Thanks for using Enfold :)
Best regards,