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  • #788842

    Dear ENFOLD support team,
    we need to execute a shortcode, if site visitors click on a AVIA Button.
    So far we helped ourselves with a normal button by adding to following code to functions.php:

    function button_shortcode(){
    //Begin Formular
    echo ‘<form method=”post”>’;
    echo ‘<input type=”submit” name = “senden” value=”Shortcode abrufen”/>’.”<br>”;
    echo “</form>”;
    // End Formular

    if (isset($_POST[‘senden’]))
    //Hier Shortcode einsetzen, wichtig: einfache Hochkommas
    echo do_shortcode(“[real3dflipbook id=’4′]”);
    add_shortcode(‘flipbookbutton’, ‘button_shortcode’);

    How can we do this with an Enfold AVIA button?

    Best regards,


    Hey Bernd,
    Not sure if it can easily be done, but you could try triggering with a script in your function, here’s such an example: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/adding-onclick-to-button/#post-417503

    Best regards,

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