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  • #782960

    Hola, estoy acabando de configurar la pagina que estoy desarrollando con worpress + woocommerce.
    Para ello compré el tema Enfold y ahora estoy probando ya cosas de la propia tienda que he configurado y me salen varios errores, os los detallo.

    1.- A la hora de calcular el precio de los gastos de envío, siempre coge como zona de envío del cliente “resto del mundo”, aunque le diga la dirección no recalcula. He desactivado los “métodos de envío” para la zona “Resto del mundo” y ahora dice que “No hay métodos de envío disponibles”
    Os adjunto una imagen
    No hay método de envío
    2.- Al intentar editar (como cliente) en “Mi cuenta” las direcciones (tanto la de envío como la de facturación), no me permite editarlas ya que ponga lo que ponga, siempre me dice que faltan campos obligatorios como nombre, dirección etc…
    Os adjunto imagen
    Error Edicion Direcciones envío y facturación

    Esto me está causando un problema dado que tengo que entregar la tienda en breve.
    He comprado dos licencias mas de este tema y en una de ellas tendré que montar tienda también, mi intención es comprar mas licencias para futuros clientes, pero necesito tener la seguridad de que va a funcionar bien puesto que es desarrollo para terceros.

    Gracias por la ayuda y saludos.

    I prefer Spanish but if there is no support in Spanish, then English.

    Hello, I’m just setting up the page I’m developing with worpress + woocommerce.
    For this I bought the Enfold theme and now I’m already testing things from the store itself that I have configured and I get several errors, I detail them.

    1.- When calculating the price of the shipping costs, always take as Customer’s Shipping Zone “rest of the world”, even if you tell the address See the image

    2.- When trying to edit (as a client) in “My account” the addresses (both the shipping and billing), does not allow me to edit them and put what I put, always tells me that missing mandatory fields such as name, address etc…
    See the image

    This is causing me a problem since I have to deliver the store soon.
    I have bought two more licenses of this subject and in one of them I will have to mount shop too, my intention is to buy more licenses for future clients, but I need to be sure that it will work well since it is development for third parties.

    Thanks for the help and regards.



    We cannot see the images, please reattach them or upload to a service like and give us the links here.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, thanks for your answer, here are the images:
    Image 1:
    Image 2:



    I tried to login today, the credentials did not work. Could you please update the credentials, so that we can help you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    forgive me for the delay in sending this but I had a health problem.
    Here you are :)



    I tried to open the login link you’ve provided, but it doesn’t work. Can you check please? make sure to remove any IP blocks for any countries etc.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy, I don’t understand why you can’t reach the link.
    It is just the IP of the hosting I have, probably it’s because the “https”. It’s not a real “https” that’s all, you can enter in that link without care.
    All the way, this friday I’m gonna change it to the final domain, maybe then….
    Please, stay tuned.
    I’ll wirte back when I make that domain change. ok?

    Meanwhile, can you try to enter again?

    So many thanks for your support.


    Another thing, what is “to be marked as red”? the topic I mean.




    I tried the login credentials, and the error message is that the username is invalid. 

    ERROR: Nombre de usuario no válido. ¿Has perdido tu contraseña?

    Can you check again, please?

    Best regards,


    I can’t understand, it works perfectly for me, here you are the credentials again, try with these new ones.
    Thnaks for your support.


    EDITED 05/05/2017
    Ah!, I forget to tell another error.
    Until yesterday, everithing (except that issue) worked perfectly at the shop, but today, I don’t know why, when I click on a category from the category’s dropdown menu, or directly from the shop main page (or whereever you are at the site) it shows the 404 page (page not found)
    See the images

    Reaching the shop page
    Doing clik on a category image
    Or doing click trhough category's dropdown selector
    This is what I get as a result

    I don’t understand at all why is happening this….

    The images are hosted at imgur, I don’t know why they are not seen now
    Here are the links: IMAGE 1 IMAGE 2 IMAGE 3 IMAGE 4

    EDITED 05/05/2017


    This topic has been marked as red, what is that?



    It’s coming from our internal support ticket system, if we don’t think a reply is needed to the topic then we can mark it as read to remove it from the queue.

    Best regards,

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