I have no idea what I’m doing wrong:
In the Ajax Window of Portfolio I added accordeons like at your demo. At the content of the accordeon I used simple formats like strong, list etc.
I don’t know why, but I get only the code shown:
At the first Element at the left
<strong>Auslöser von Migräneatacke – Migräneanfälle</strong>
Nackenschmerzen – Kopfschmerzen – Augenschmerzen
<li>Was sind Migräneschmerzen eigentlich?</li>
<li>Welche Schmerzformen gibt es?</li>
<li>Was für Symptome, Funktion haben sie?</li>
I reinstalled the current version but don’t get it fixed. I also deleted all css in child theme with no effect.
When I use the code in
In you demo this is working:
Thanks a lot for your help in advance !
Hey Michael,
I was able to get it working. I went to portfolio item page, copied all the code with shortcodes from the bottom section in visual mode (with setting for ajax portfolio) and pasted all that again but in text mode and saved. How are you adding text there in visual or text mode?
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,