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  • #777865

    All my pages containing woocommerce remain blank.
    When I preview the enfold theme or 2016 or something the pages work, only when I use my child theme / or a brand new child theme the pages stop working.

    This started today, maybe it has to do with the woocommerce update of today.

    Any Ideas?


    @wolf a vanilla enfold child does not influence woocommerce in any way.



    Do you have any modifications at the woocommerce files from child theme?
    That is a strange issue, shouldnt be happening at all



    Hello I’ve found the problem ( I was using the preloader animation and I didn’t saw the code).
    Any Idea what to do?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Wolf.


    It looks like you need to increase the memory allocated to PHP in WordPress, could you try that out please? http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Increasing_memory_allocated_to_PHP

    Best regards,


    I already tried that, iv’e set it to 256 and later 1024, no effect. It seems to be a plugin.


    Hi Wolf,

    That could a memory leak with some odd database query. You could try monitoring you database queries with a plugin like https://srd.wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I have installed the plugin, what am I looking for?


    on the backend the scripts part says the following (see private data).
    So I’m missing 4 avia files?



    Can you please try uplaod the files through FTP ( of all enfold ) and let us know if that would solve your issues?



    I removed the old enfold, downloaded a new one, upload the new one. No difference



    on the backend the scripts part says the following (see private data).
    So I’m missing 4 avia files?

    Those files are there but will only be loaded once you added an element/elements (tabs, table etc) dependent of the script. I tried to access your site but I got a 403 forbidden error. Please post the login details here so that we can inspect the site thoroughly.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Rikard.

    Hello Ismael,

    This topic can be closed. I have found the plugin that was most likely causing this error and I am in contact with the dev.
    *See private data*



    Hi Wolf,

    Thanks for the feedback, I edited Ismaels response. I’ll close the thread for now.

    Best regards,

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