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  • #776828


    I have to recolor my client’s website. The main color is #ec55d8. When I enter this color code into the Enfold styling settings, it automatically changes it to #ec55468. I’m able to use that color for other areas of the website such as headings, icons, buttons. Why is this color code not be accepted?

    My website is her: http://crescendo.staging.wpengine.com/ (hosted on WPengine)




    One more thing. I can see the difference in the colors on the website.



    Hi Lyse,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Credential provided in private area


    Hi Lyse, Hi Victoria,

    Is there a solution for this? I have the same problem: when I enter “#0052a2” as “Alternate Content background color” it is automatically changed to “#0051a2”. Minor difference, but nevertheless annoying…



    Hi Lyse,

    The code gets saved correctly, you have the rules in http://crescendo.staging.wpengine.com/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/style.css (hosted on WPengine) that overrider some of the styles you try to set in theme options.
    You might want to disable child theme styles or comment out those rules and see what happens :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi bluechip1,

    You might want to investigate you child theme styles or Quick Css that might overrule the setting you are trying to save. Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I don’t have any CSS rules overriding this new color.

    I have added the login credentials in the private area.



    Hi Lyse,

    Check now, is this what you wanted?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I can’t see the change to the correctly color. I cleared cache and also tried inputting the correct color code in the Enfold settings, but no luck.



    Hi Victoria,

    I’m sorry for hijacking this thread, it seems that I had a different problem than Lyse. My problem was that whenever I inserted the following hex value for color “#0052a2” into any field with a colorpicker, the value has been automatically (via some JavaScript) converted to “#0051a2”. You can try it on your own Enfold installation, I believe this problem is caused by colorpicker JavaScript library that Enfold uses. It has not been maintained since 2009: http://www.eyecon.ro/colorpicker/

    I work-arounded the problem by editing avia_colorpicker.js, but I’d like to suggest that your developers update this library to some more up to date version. Here’s a clone of the legacy library by Stefan Petre that I found on GitHub: https://github.com/itsjavi/bootstrap-colorpicker


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by bluechip1. Reason: grammar

    Hi Česlav

    My problem is the same as yours. It is the color picker that does not accept #ec5548 it consistently rejects it and replaces it with #ec5648.

    I agree that the JS colorpicker should be updated.



    Hi Lyse,

    Now I see. In your first post you mentioned “#ec55d8”, but this color works fine. With “#ec5548” I can reproduce the issue (same as mine).

    If you’re feeling adventurous, you can apply the fix that worked for me. You only have to replace one line of JS code in enfold/framework/js/avia_colorpicker.js. On line 127 replace picker.find('.colorpicker_hex input').val(hexCol).trigger('change'); with avia_cp.AviaColorPickerSetColor(hexCol.substr(1));

    With this fix, the color picker pop up window still displays the wrong value, but the main input field keeps any value that is inserted directly into it, so just paste the color value directly into input field like you did before.

    Of course, as soon as you update Enfold theme, this change will be gone, so keep a backup of patched avia_colorpicker.js file.



    Hi bluechip1,

    GLad you got it working for you.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi tremblayly,

    Can you specify which elements do not change and you need to change them, and what changes should those be?
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I would rather no have to meddle into the JS file so that I get the color picker to work.

    The elements are the ones within the Enfold general styling where I pick the color #ec5548 and than gets changed to #ec5648.

    What would be a more secure way to get the correct color applied?




    Please, may you provide us your WP credentials? This way we can check why it`s happening.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hi John,

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I created a clean test install for you (WordPress 4.7.5 + Enfold 4.0.7). Link and credentials are provided in private content section.

    Steps to reproduce the bug:
    1) Go to Theme Options (Enfold) > General Styling
    2) Insert hex color value “#0052a2” into any field with color picker.
    3) Watch as it dynamically changes to “#0051a2” (ie. green component value is changed from 52 to 51).

    All the best,



    I’m still waiting on a fix for this one. Have not heard back from the support team since April 18th.



    Hi all,

    Please refer to this thread for a possible solution.

    Best regards,

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