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  • #776786

    hi it seems the file

    Is showing outdated css

    When I have removed it from css pane it still remains in that file. I have tried from different machines over different isp and it still remains

    I even try to delete the file in sftp but it auto re appears

    What shall I be doing?


    Hey codecreative,

    Please use a ftp client and connect to your server. Navigate to wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/ and set the folder permission to 777. Then delete the css file inside the dynamic_avia folder. Afterwards go to Enfold > Theme Options to regenerate the dynamic stylesheets (hit the green “Save all changes” button).

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    hey thank you for replying but it’s not the solution this time

    i already tried this permissions were always set to 777 as it always has been and i did delete the css file previously and re saved and still nothing changing :(

    I just tried the above again and still nothing changed

    Also since doing the theme update the avia builder is showing no elements for any page when i go to edit it


    Hi codecreative,

    That file is autogenerated from the theme settings, no wonder you cannot delete it.

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look. (again not the ftp)

    Best regards,


    Sure no problem



    As long as there is code within quick css the enfold_child_theme.css file will always be there, as Victoria said this is an auto-generated file. Is there a particular page in which the ALB elements won’t load? I opened a few and the elements loaded for me.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    this is strange the elements are showing now

    See screenshot attached for some reason the menu text has gone a green but when viewed in safari it isn’t

    I can’t find anywhere in the theme settings for this to be green and they never were green before

    View post on

    I’ve never known such odd behaviour to come from the site before ive worked with it for years


    you can see the css being applied in this screen shot wtf is this

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    Do you have a backup of the site that you can import? 

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I do and can create a back up now but i don’t know what the route cause of this is? Do you ?

    I don’t want to restore a previous version that brings the issue back

    I’m working with flywheel hosting


    It’s all to do with CSS in the dynamic CSS style sheet that should be getting it’s style from the theme panel how ever it isn’t doing it’s almost as if the theme panel is being ignored

    On mobile it appears fine



    My suggestion is to do a fresh install of WP and import the last working/correct instance of the site to see if this occurs again. That will isolate whether the issue root is in the theme itself, or corruption elsewhere. Also, if I have not asked earlier, are you sure there are no plugin conflicts.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hey Jordan

    Thanks for trying to help. But we know what the issue is. Anyone with chrome and element inspector can see this is related to dynamic CSS file being generated incorrectly by the theme. It’s clear this is theme related.

    Restoring old versions of my site is extremely and no guarantee it is a resolution and as a developer of wordpress sites I’m aware of this as an avenue to go down. This approach is a like taking a sledge hammer to put a nail into a wall to hang a picture frame. It would result in countless hours of labour lost between current and restore point.

    I’ve reached out to enfold support for expert theme support from an enfold developer as this is an enfold theme related issue.


    Looks like dynamic avia css has been regenerated with correct colors, is Advanced Layout Builder working now?



    hi the builder is working but the colours are still green for the site nav text and side bar text but they are set to grey in the theme panel


    ah all working now what was the issue ? do you know?


    hmm it seems its not fixed in chrome just safari and i cant change anything its like the theme panel is disconnected from dynamic css so wierd this



    It shows up fine on my end on Chrome as well, attached a screenshot in private content field.

    Please flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times –



    Fanastic hard refresh did the trick thank you guys do you know why it was malfunctioning in the first instance?

    Only last thing I can see failing is the drop down menu under about us, the text seems huge when you hover over our packages its normal


    Hi codecreative,

    Many times – cache is the root os all evil :) At many levels.

    Glad it’s working now :)
    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Okay great thanks Victoria you are a great help, can you see the issue at your end with the drop down issue mentioned ?



    The About Us menu is set to Mega Menu, try to go to Appearance > Menus > select Main Menu and expand About Us menu item, and uncheck Mega Menu. Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,

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