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  • #771716

    Hi eveyone,

    is there a way to convince the tab-section element to automatically change to the next tab after x seconds? like the regular slideshow but with the content-options that tabs offer?



    Hey Axel,

    I’m not sure if that would be a good idea, wouldn’t that confuse users? I might have misunderstood what you are looking to achieve so maybe you could try explaining a bit further or post a link to an example?

    If you are looking to make a slider out of the tabs element then I think that would be out of scope of theme support unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    hmm… the thing I am looking for in the end is a slideshow with each slide containing an image and some text (1/2 the space each). the regular slideshows only let me use captions. I tried out the Tab-Section and that works very well. Only the “next slide” button or auto-rotate is not available.

    Any Ideas, how i could manage that? maybe I insert links in each text and manually link to the next tab. would that be possible?



    Hi Rikard,

    please find the link and details here in the private content



    Hi loxoma,

    You might want to consider using Layer Slider for this, it has a lot of options and configurations and you can specify a number of cycles for slideshow, it might suit your need much better.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I don’t want to use layerlider, because it just scales down on smaller resolutions. i don’t want to add another “mobile” layerslider and build up everything twice. is there no way to link to the tabs? layerslider looks to me like a very complicated and complex solution to a rather simple problem




    I’m sorry but the functionality you are looking for is not available in the theme, you could post a feature request for it here though, and if gets enough votes we will try to get it implemented in a future release.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Rikard.

    Feature request is down it seems :-P

    This would be a huge win.. layerslider is way to complicated.. with a few small additions the tabsection is an awesome slider..

    But with only autoslide as an option it’s already super useful.. (for custom testimonials for instance)


    Hi joax,

    Well, yeah that is not working right now. Not sure we’ll be adding that any soon.

    Best regards,

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