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  • #770417


    I need your help please. I want to know why does my logo look different in various web browsers. Please see pictures below. I used Safari, FireFox, and Chrome. The logo and text is good in FireFox, but looks blurry/unclear in Safari and Chrome.

    Why is it doing this?

    Thank you


    Hey Wisith,
    Each browser renders differently, can you add your url so we can take a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Please see info below.



    I used Safari and Chrome, and Edge and all looked clear. Yet I see you image is pretty large for a logo 1030×586 you could try reducing it’s size and using JPEG compression like:
    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the help. I reduced the image of the logo by more than 50% and compressed it via Tinyjpg. It still looks blurry/unclear to me on Safari, and Chrome. Can you look from your side please? Do you know why it is doing this?


    This is how it looks for me:

    Best regards,

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