Hi there,
My name is Jazib, I’m the founder of Wparena.com. Hope I won’t take much of your time.
I am reviewing best WordPress Themes available in the market. This motivated us a lot and as you are a great seller, I am sending you an offer of writing a review on WPArena.com for just 150 dollars. Usually, this goes up to 399. This will definitely impact much better on your business as WParena has over 30k readers and thousands of email subscribers related to WordPress. The review will remain in place forever. All you have to write a great review in detail.
If you don’t have time to write a review, don’t worry our team will handle it for a nominal charge of 50 dollars.
Some of the existing WordPress Devs already ordered reviews like below.
Please let me know your thoughts about it.
Kind Regards,
(Email address hidden if logged out)
Hey Jazib,
Thanks for the contact :)
I`ll transfer your ticket to Yigit and him will help you better with this.
Best regards,
John Torvik
Thanks John for the reply.
I will further collaborate with Yigit,