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  • #763606

    dear sir

    how can i edit portfolio like change picture


    Hey dith_solanki!

    Edit the portfolio item you should be able to see this in WordPress Dashboard once you’re logged in as admin, then at the bottom (on the sidebar) you should see Featured Image, just change the image there. Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    if there are 3 columns and i want to change in every picture in each column how can i do it



    Are you referring to the Portfolio Grid in Avia Layout Builder? if yes, each portfolio item has featured image which is fetched and used as the image for portfolio grid, changes would be done in each portfolio item.

    Best regards,


    yes can you show me process how to do it by sending me screen shots



    Sorry my mistake, it’s not Featured Image but Add Preview Images. Here is the video tutorial:


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