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  • #762989


    When I upload images say in the colour section that I’m going to set as fix to have the scroll over effect,

    I need to be able to set the focal point so that I can choose a certain part of the image to remain in the frame when resizing

    currently if I upload an image where my subjects are not in the centre of the frame when the screen is resized, the subjects get removed from the image that shows

    other companies have this feature and hoping it could be added to Enfold

    Please look at this page on square space the subjects are offset to the right, when I resize the screen they remain in the view of the screen no matter the size, because I’m able to pin point that I want the girl as the focal point



    Hey lynettebrown,
    That is a very nice feature, please feel free to request this feature on Enfold feature request form.

    Best regards,

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