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  • #761581


    On category pages, where both subcategory and products are displayed; how can I make the sub categories and products appear on different rows.
    For example, If I have 3 Sub categories under a category, and I choose to display 4 coloums on a row, the first row contains 3 sub categories and 1 product. But I want to separete the sub categories and products rows ?


    Hi kagitvs!

    That is actually something that requires a lot of customisation to be done and it is not provided from our support policy.
    With a quick search I could not also find any resource that could guide to solve the issue in an easy way.

    A custom WooCommerce Query has to be done, to achive those results.

    Please consider to hire a freelancer to help you with the issue.



    ok, thanks. :(



    Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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