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  • #760153

    I updated and have been trying a few things on our my staging site, and I’ve noticed certain areas

    Grid columns and Footer : (hosted on WPengine)

    It’s weird bc it’s only on some pages. I’m using a child theme, so I’m not sure if there’s something there, but again, it’s inconsistent? Some pages with the same templates work just fine.

    I need to make these update on my live site soon, but need to get this sorted first. Any thoughts?

    I’ve deactivated all plugins and am only running ones compatible with my WP version. It changed nothing.



    Hey vidaelf,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #footer .av_one_third {
      width:100% !important;
      margin-left:0 !important;

    Best regards,


    Not helping. Again, it’s only happening on some pages.
    Also, you didn’t address the grid that’s having the same issues on this page:
    Grid columns and Footer : (hosted on WPengine) (
    The 4 width grid module as well as the footer are just being squeezed.

    I’m wondering if there’s a module that’s breaking it? Were you able to log in and look at the code?


    OK it appears it’s not update related.. Also, if this helps..

    The ‘grid’ module and footer are not stacking properly on this page: (hosted on WPengine)

    But this page has almost the exact layout and is working fine.

    I’ve gone through the code to look for an open div or something, but see nothing. It seems totally random and/or inconsistent. Can you please lake a look? Hope this helps. Thanks!


    Well I ended up just rebuilding those pages from scratch. Not ideal, but it seemed to fix it. Thanks.


    I just made one edit, and it broke the footer again. This is SUPER buggy. I added a slider to try to fix my broken mobile testimonials, and the footer no longer stacks. I deleted it, saved, and the footer is still broken. PLEASE help. I can’t afford to rebuild the page from scratch every edit.

    Medical Device Design and Development



    Can you please provide a link to the admin section. I see a link posted above, but am not seeing a pass.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Any luck?



    I need a username and pass to the admin section so I can look into this further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Pls see in private content



    I was able to log in thank you. It seems to be only the footer that is a little off. The other columns seem to be stacking as they should. If I am mistaken please let me know.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Correct. The footer is off. Oddly, less off than yesterday?! But still not stacking properly. Why is that?

    It’s buggy and that’s my problem. I can make a change on this or the other page I was having issues with, and all of the sudden, the stacking is way off again.
    a) Why would the stacking be wrong (but different from yesterday??)
    b) why would changing or adding new modules or even just editing content cause the stacking on a grid module or my footer to break when it was fine just before?

    Can you see anything in the code that might cause that? I’ve gone through and made sure all divs were closed, etc.. I can’t find anything.




    I am seeing it stacked like this :

    Does this differ than what you are seeing? If so please provide a screenshot so I can see.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I’m seeing this on my iphone (hosted on WPengine)

    This is on this page:

    But it was showing up on other pages until I rebuilt them. This page in particular
    had issues with the footer, as well as the 4 column grid in the gray boy just squishing together instead of stacking. Now it’s obviously fine, but I can make a change, save it, and it messes it up again. I don’t want to do it bc I’m short on time and don’t want to rebuild it.

    If you don’t see anything wrong, then I feel like it means it’s buggy.. I’m hoping to move forward with my edits and a launch as soon as possible, but am scared to edit for fear of it breaking again, so I’d really like to feel more confident before doing so.



    Okay, I am able to create the phone issue above but it seems to be at a different width. I am working to fix now.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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