I have no idea how to post a question for support except for here and my purchase of the theme came with 6 months support.
I have a site: denverhousevalues.com and anytime that anyone clicks a link that forwards to the site they get this error:
Warning: Class_PHP-Incomplete_Class has no unserializer in
hmecontenta2pewpnas01_data01463878646htmlwp-contentobject-cache.php on line 894
Warning: cannont modify hearder information – headers already sent by (outpit started athomecontectaspewpnsa01…….
We thought we solved it by adding: add_theme_support(‘avia_no_session_support’);
to the Functions.php file in Appearance > Editor
But now it is happening again and seems to be happening on mobile more than a laptop.
Help please because I have paid advertising out there again and no one can reach the site. Did I chose the wrong Theme?
Thank you!
Hi Chad!
Can you please try re-updating the theme via FTP and overwrite all files – kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/?
If you have any other questions or issues, please register to our support forum – https://kriesi.at/support/register/ and login as we only provide support to registered users.