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  • #756854

    After update the enfold theme i have some issues with the responsive slider. The max with in “responsive-mode” takes no effect.

    if i use the “responsive mode” the max-width takes no effect and the slider is given in full width (height is ok).
    if i use the “fixed size” everything is fine but the slider is no longer responsive.

    i need it responsive with max width, like before the update.
    hope u can help me, thx


    Hey langnaese,

    Sorry for the late reply. Could you post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look? Also please point out where we can see and reproduce the error.

    Best regards,


    login attached.
    there are two sliders (multilanguage) and both with the same problem.
    so look the “Homepage Slider” (LayerSliderWP) – SliderSettings. There Max-Width is set but if i use Layout “Responsive” the Slider is given in fullscreen. Max-Width takes no effect.



    LayerSlider seems to be working only fullwidth. Behaviour is the same on my local installation as well.
    I will report it to our devs.

    Best regards,


    today update (4.0.3) – problem still there



    if you look at the changelog Kriesi hasn’t fixed anything about LayerSlider yet. I think he needs more time for fixing this issue. Thanks for being patient.

    Best regards,


    2017 March 20th – Version 4.0.3
    – fixed: an issue with the fullscreen slider when set to fixed bg

    is this the fix of my issue?



    no, as fullscreen slider has nothing to do with LayerSlider.

    Best regards,


    hi at all,
    do you know if and when this issue will be fixed?



    Kriesi will implement the new LayerSlider version when he releases the new Enfold version,
    we can’t tell you when unfortunately. Thanks for being patient.

    Best regards,

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