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  • #751677
    Nicola Heller


    I’m interested into the theme Enfold. Before buying it, I have some questions.
    1. Is there a maximum of pictures I can put into one slider?
    2. In the Bigger Gallery with Preview, is there a default proposition for the pictures? Because in the example all the pictures seems to be slim (very long, not high).
    3. Is there a possitbility to open the pictures in the Bigger Gallery with Preview fullscreen (as the page background)? I know at the theme flashlight there is the possibility, but I’m interested into the theme Enfold. ;)
    4. Is there a option to hide blog elements (commentars etc.) so I have a “clear” website not a blog?

    Sorry for my bad english, I’m from Germany :)
    Hope you can help me.
    Best regards,


    Hi Nicola!

    Thanks for contacting us!

    1- No, you can upload as many images as you wish into your sliders however since that might slow down the page load time.
    2- Yes, there is a default value for image sizes however you can simply use plugins or custom functions to change image sizes in gallery and simply regenerate them.
    3- Currently it is not possible out of the box however you can use side header (please see example here – ) and customize it to display content fullwidth and header on top of your content with transparent background :)
    4- Yes, you can simply disable discussions so comment form would not show up.

    Also, we have German speaking moderators if you wish to receive replies in German. But since there are more English speaking ones, you would probably get quicker response if you post in English :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions!


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