Hi, I have just registered an API key because google maps stopped working. I have solved on the main language (italian) with map working again. But it doesn’t work on pages in other languages translated with WPML. Ca you please help?
Hey deepee,
Sorry for the late reply!
Please go to Enfold theme options and change language and add your API key in Google Services tab for each language
Best regards,
But where to set the language of the GoogeMap?
Also working with WPML, created translation of WP page, created new GoogleMap Media Element.. the map is always shown in italian.
Is there something I’m missing out?
1- Please go to Enfold theme options and switch the language – http://i.imgur.com/tDkQnj3.png then add API key under Google Services tab on every language.
2- Google maps’ language is set based on your browser settings. Every user will see Google maps in their chosen browser language :)
Best regards,
unfortunately in my case the map is not shown in the default browser language, because then I’d see it in german.
you can see the links for both languages (italian & german) in private content.
Have you followed our documentation properly?
Best regards,