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  • #749889


    I’ve found this in your documentation:

    at the bottom:

    MailChimp Newsletter Widget/Element
    Now to include the MailChimp Signup in your site you have a range of options depending on where and how you want to include it:
    As a Shortcode (Magic Wand tool > Mailchimp Signup): this will generate a [shortcode] that can be used in conjunction with do_shortcode if you need to include it on a custom PHP template or hook.

    As I’m not very familiar with PHP, could you please show me an example of how this code snippet for such a shortcode should look like, if I would like to add it in a theme file like the loop-index.php? I don’t understand this part “… in conjunction with do_shortcode …” as mentioned in the documentation.
    Thank you.


    Hey Chris,

    The mailchimp signup shortcode looks like this:

    [av_mailchimp list='' double_opt_in='true' on_send='text' sent='Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!' link='' color='' hide_labels=''][/av_mailchimp]

    When adding it to some php files your code should look like this:

    echo do_shortcode("[av_mailchimp list='' double_opt_in='true' on_send='text' sent='Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!' link='' color='' hide_labels=''][/av_mailchimp]");

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    What part in shortcode is for redirect? data-avia-redirect=””

    <form class=”avia_ajax_form av-form-labels-hidden avia-mailchimp-form” action=”” method=”post” data-av-custom-send=”mailchimp_send” data-avia-form-id=”2″ data-avia-redirect=””>

    [av_mailchimp list='' double_opt_in='true' on_send='text' sent='Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!' link='' color='' hide_labels=''][/av_mailchimp]

    Because on widget area you cant use mailchimp widget and set redirection, that option isnt added.

    Thank you



    Sorry for the late response, the shortcode would look like this:

    [av_mailchimp list='1b64329f72' double_opt_in='aviaTBdouble_opt_in' on_send='redirect' sent='Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!' link='manually,' color='' custom_class='']
    [av_mailchimp_field id='0' label='Email Address' type='text' value='' disabled='' check='is_email'][/av_mailchimp_field]
    [av_mailchimp_field id='1' label='First Name' type='text' value='' disabled='' check=''][/av_mailchimp_field]
    [av_mailchimp_field id='2' label='Last Name' type='text' value='' disabled='' check=''][/av_mailchimp_field]
    [av_mailchimp_field id='av-button' label='Subscribe' type='button' value='' check=''][/av_mailchimp_field]


    this part of the shortcode is what makes it redirect:


    You can get the shortcode by adding this code in functions.php:

    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug() {
        return "debug";

    and create a new page and use Mailchimp Signup, put the proper configuration/settings so shortcode will add code based on what you set. Below The Content Section, you should see the shortcode and just copy and paste it.

    Best regards,


    A late Thanks!

    Yes thats correct shortcode. Mailchimp widget dont have redirect options. Thats option only in Avia builder. But its easy to include one more field in functions-enfold.php so widget has that field too.



    Yes, you can use the shortcode combined with a text widget.

    Best regards,

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